Red jasper features prominently in other types of jasper like Brecciated jasper and Mookaite jasper. While agate is close to transparent and chalcedony translucent, jasper is always opaque. These are all microcrystalline quartz minerals with different levels of impurities leading to their unique attributes. Relatives of red jasper include agate, carnelian, nephrite, chrysoprase, and other chalcedony crystals. Some of the different types of jasper include Mookaite, Biggs, Imperial, Madagascar, green, blue, and yellow jasper. Red jasper is just one of the many varieties of jasper available. Red Jasper is an opaque microcrystalline variety of quartz known as chalcedony. Scorpio, Leo, and Virgo can also benefit from using red jasper to bring energy, courage, and love to their lives. Red jasper can be used as a birthstone for those born in March or under the zodiac sign Aries. Other areas where red jasper is mined are Australia, Madagascar, and Indonesia. Red jasper is found in many parts of the world including Brazil, India, Russia, and the United States. As an all-round inspiring gemstone, red jasper is said to bring out your true self and motivate you to reach your highest potential in all aspects of your life. Some believe red jasper provides energizing effects to the root chakra which in turn reinvigorates sluggish parts of the body. Red jasper nurtures joy and positivity, it also balances your yin and yang energy leaving you feeling revitalized. It grounds the user and brings about feelings of security to explore one’s spirituality. The red jasper gemstone has long been associated with stability, nurturing, and balance. For those who kept red jasper with them since childhood, it was said that they will forever be protected from drowning. Traditional healers used red jasper to overcome ailments of the stomach, and blood. In the Middle Ages, warriors kept red jasper close to their armor to give them courage in battle and increase their strength. While American Indians used red jasper to protect against hidden dangers in the night. The Ancient Egyptians carved red jasper into amulets to be sent off with the dead as it was known as the stone of Isis. Red jaspers have held high esteem in many ancient cultures. Depending on the materials it is combined with, like silver, gold, or other gemstones, prices will fluctuate accordingly. The saturation of the red color of the stone makes it more desirable. The price of the red jasper is usually determined by the artistry of the piece it comes in and the complexity of its design. Today red jaspers are much more affordable due to their abundance. In the past, red jasper was a highly sought-after gemstone and fetched higher prices. The raw form of red jasper carries the same properties and benefits as the polished stone and is often used by crystal healers. Raw or natural jasper is sold as it is found, without tumbling or polishing. Red jasper is shaped and polished into a variety of shapes like ovals, pears, hearts, and any other unique design required. These colored inclusions are caused by other minerals and impurities which often create unusual patterns unique to each gemstone. Red jasper can come in either solid red coloring or with patterns and flecks of grey and brown. Colors range from bright rusty red to a more faded brownish-red. Red jasper is an opaque gemstone with bright red coloring due to the presence of iron oxide. With a hardness rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, you can keep red jasper close to you in the form of jewelry or ornaments. Known as the stone of endurance or the stone of stability, red jasper encourages strength and endurance during stressful times. Other jasper colors include green, blue, black, yellow, and orange. Red jasper gemstones are the most common of all the jasper varieties. The name jasper is derived from the old French word “jaspre” and the Latin word “iaspidem” which translates to spotted or speckled stone. Red Jasper is an opaque stone of the mineral class chalcedony from the microcrystalline variety of quartz. With its deep connections to mother earth, red jasper is an amazing stone to keep close by for its grounding nature. Red jasper gemstones make excellent gifts as they can be used by anyone in need of energizing and healing both physically and emotionally. Whether you’re drawn to the vibrant tones of rust-red or are passionate about the earthy terracotta hues, red jasper comes in many red tones to suit your every mood.

In the modern context, red jasper is now used to fight personal battles by providing clarity and calm to all who seek it. It has been used since ancient times during intense battles as talismans for strength.

Red jasper is the gemstone of endurance, healing, and nurturing.